全球十大网赌正规平台有许多跨学科的表演艺术机会. 无论学生的经验水平如何,都被邀请参加. Information about the groups follows.

Theater 和 Dance

Spring Production
thdn - 309. (.5学分)

Music by Richard Rodgers                                                                                                                                                                Lyrics by Oscar Hammerstein III                                                                                                                                                        New Book by Douglas Carter Beane                                                                                                                                          Original Book by Oscar Hammerstein III

《全球十大网赌正规平台》由康科德剧院代表罗杰斯家族演出 & Hammerstein Organization www.concordtheatricals.com

Directed by Michelle Ong-Hendrick

什么: 试镜 for the THDN production of Rodgers + Hammerstein’s 灰姑娘

: Monday November 6th 和 Tuesday November 7th from 7:00-9:00 PM. Please select one of these nights to attend.

地点: Trinity Commons Performance Lab (TC 152)

复试将于11月13日星期一和11月14日星期二举行, from 7-9pm in Trinity Commons Performance Lab (TC 152). 如果您在11月10日星期五之前被召回,我们将通过电子邮件通知您.


Michelle Ong-Hendrick, Visiting Assistant Professor of Theater 和 Dance is seeking to cast 9 principals 和 an ensemble of 5-7. 点击 在这里 了解更多关于试镜过程的信息,包括完整的时间表和排练信息.

Music Groups

The Chapel Singers performing in New York, May 2023

The Chapel Singers

Come to the Chapel South Cloister (outside, facing the quad) during any of these audition times, no appointment needed.

Monday, 9/11 @ 6:00–7:00 p.m.

Tuesday, 9/12 @ 4:30–6:00 p.m.

Sunday, September 3, 1:00–2:15 p.m.
Monday, September 4, 3:00–4:30 p.m.
Tuesday, September 5, 12:15–1:30 p.m.
Tuesday, September 5, 4:30–6:00 p.m.

全球十大网赌正规平台: 我们是喜欢在教堂服务中唱具有挑战性的合唱音乐的学生, college occasions, 和 in concerts. 我们的曲目跨越了几个世纪,包括许多历史上被边缘化的作曲家的作品.

承诺: Rehearsals on Monday 和 Wednesday (4:30–6:00 p.m.) 和 singing at Chapel most Sundays (3:30–5:30 p.m.)会员资格是一项重要的承诺,因为我们是教堂的学生雇员. 我们的会员拥有各种宗教和精神信仰,欢迎所有人加入.

About auditioning: Arrive warmed up 和 ready to sing. 你会唱一些音阶,读几小节音乐(这是每个人最不喜欢的部分), just try your best). Lastly, a few of us will teach you a short piece. 会员资格通常要求有阅读乐谱的经验.

Any questions: Please reach out to our president, Marilyn Brach ’25 or our director, Christopher Houlihan ’09.

Instrumental Ensembles
音乐- 105. (.5学分)

全球十大网赌正规平台器乐合奏课程是一门半学分的课程,支持五个世纪以来室内乐曲目的研究和表演. Each semester, 团队组成,并分配一个专业的音乐教练和剧目来学习和准备表演. 该计划的目标是为学生提供一个机会来调查室内乐的大量文献, 和 to receive training in ensemble playing skills.

试镜: 试镜 are required. Email Nancy Curran for questions 和 to arrange an audition. 试演时间约为15分钟,学生们可以自行选择演奏音阶, 和 also a prepared piece or movement of a work of their choice.

联系: Nancy Curran, Coordinator at [email protected].

Jazz Ensemble
音乐- 109. (.5学分)

Group photo of jazz ensemble.

Jazz is America’s own art form! The Jazz Ensemble studies 和 performs the compositions of Ellington, 和尚, 柯川, 汉考克, 和其他人, as well as original works by Professor Allen 和 the group members. 风格跨越了爵士历史的整个范围,从传统的摇摆到比波普再到各种爵士融合. We will work hard on improving individually 和 as a group, with a focus on creative improvising, group interplay, 和 solid grooves.

试镜: 试镜 will be held during the first class time. The first class meets on Tuesday, September 6 from 7:30 p.m. – 8:45 p.m. in the Music Hall (AAC, Room 102. Located downstairs.).

Meeting Times: Tuesdays 和 Thursdays, 7:30 p.m. – 8:45 p.m., Austin Arts Center, Room 102.

联系: Jen Allen, Director at [email protected].

Other performance opportunities that do not require an audition

Steel Pan Ensemble
MUSC 108   (0.50信贷) 

学生将学习特立尼达钢盘音乐的历史和社会意义. Additionally, 他们将了解合奏中每种乐器的音乐角色,并学习与演奏每种乐器相关的技术. 学生将被要求学习和记忆古典音乐的编曲, 受欢迎的, 和 traditional calypso music. The music will be taught aurally 和 by rote by the instructor, Curtis Greenidge, a steel pan teacher from Trinidad.

试镜: No audition is required.

Meeting Times: All in the Music Hall, AAC 102, beginning Wednesday, September 7

Mondays, 7:30 p.m. – 9:00 p.m.
Wednesdays, 7:30 p.m. – 9:00 p.m.

联系: Mr. Curtis Greenidge, Director at: [email protected]

Samba Ensemble
音乐- 111 (0.50信贷) 

这个乐团主要表演各种狂欢节和其他巴西传统的击鼓和歌唱. Related musical styles 和 musical genres are also included. Previous performance experience is not required, 和 students may take this course for more than one semester. The Samba Ensemble plays events on 和 off campus throughout the year. 我们正在寻找各种乐器演奏家:吉他,贝斯,长号,萨克斯,键盘等. to supplement the ensemble. Permission of the instructor is required.

试镜: Please contact Professor Eric Galm directly via email, 和 come to the first class meeting on Wednesday, September 7 at 6:00 p.m. in the Gruss Music Hall, AAC 102.

Meeting Times: All in the Gruss Music Hall, AAC 102.

Mondays, 6:00 p.m. – 7:30 p.m.
Wednesdays, 6:00 p.m. – 7:30 p.m.

联系: Professor Eric Galm, Director at: [email protected]

Private Music Lessons
音乐- 107 (0.50信贷)


收到MUSC 107音乐课程的“问卷及指引”, please contact Jen Allen, faculty coordinator, at: [email protected]

Course Prerequisite音乐课要求对音符阅读和音乐术语有基本的了解. 如果您想申请豁免此要求,请联系Jen Allen. If you have no previous experience with music notation, 你可以同时参加MUSC-101基础音乐来满足这一要求.

Course Requirements:在课程添加/删除期间,需要出席预定的培训会议, 稍后通知. Email Jen Allen to ask about orientation dates.



In addition to tuition costs, 学生每学期需要向他们的导师支付600美元的费用. 有资格获得三一助学金的学生,以及参加学分课程的学生,可能有资格获得支付这笔费用的奖励. “问卷及指引”内的问卷,是申请三一音乐课程资助的第一步,也是报名参加课程的第一步.  在课程的第一周或之前提交您的调查问卷,以便在第一批三一奖学金申请人中被考虑. 如果有额外的助学金,将接受额外的申请.

Meeting Times:每个学生和老师将根据他们的特殊时间安排每周一小时的课程. The student should contact the instructor directly. 请参阅问卷和指南中的教师联系信息.

登记: Extended Add/Drop deadline: Friday, Sept. 16, 2022

联系: Professor Jen Allen, 教师 Coordinator of Music Lessons, at [email protected]

Trinity College Gospel Choir (TCGC)

Trinity College Gospel Choir performing.Trinity College Gospel Choir (TCGC), a student organization for more than 25 years, brings the vital tradition of gospel music to the Trinity community. 福音唱诗班的成员通过舞蹈的元素来提升团体的音乐节目, 口语, 和 prayer from the traditional African American churches.

TCGC also builds community 和 promotes social change on campus. 每学期举行一次的季节性音乐会是该计划的核心.

No audition required9月12日(星期二)晚上7:30参加本学期TCGC第一次会议.m in the Chapel Choir Room. No previous musical experience is necessary. Rehearsals are held weekly on Tuesdays from 7:30–9:00 p.m. 在教堂唱诗班教室(沿着主通道走,右转,下楼梯).

联系: Reach out to TCGC president Jayda Clarke ’26, or TCGC Ministers of Music Anthony Williams约翰·海斯.